Hi guys! My name is Sophia Styles Ngwanyia. I am also known as ‘Sostyles’ (Instagram, Snapchat, etc). My ‘stage’ name as some would call it is simply derived from my middle name ‘Styles’, combined with the first two letters of my first name ‘Sophia’ making it ‘So-Styles’. Cool, right!?

Now that we made it through that brief and sweet introduction, a little bit about myself: I was born in Minneapolis, MN and have lived there most of my life. I also lived in Cameroon (Central Africa – for those who may not know where that is) for seven years. Anyway, this is how I am bilingual. I speak/write English and French (and some Spanish) so basically trilingual. I lived in Nigeria for one year and dying to visit as an adult. My father is an airline captain (40+ years!), in case you were searching for the source of my lust to wander. Fast forward.

Punta Cana, Dominican Republic
I currently reside in Atlanta, GA. I moved to the Peach State on a whim back in 2014/15. Literally packed my bags and made that 22 hour drive in my posh 2008 Hyundai Sonata (cool face emoji). I say this with such an exhilarating and elated pride because it was my first car ever in life, my baby so to speak. Don’t think I had a name for her though (is that a thing?), oops! It was my 16th birthday gift from my daddy! [Yikes, I’m revealing my age]. It got me through four long years of college, and then all the way to Georgia. Needless to say, it eventually gave out on me only three weeks after relocating, but hey, at least it got me to my final destination right? Always be grateful, things could be worse.
‘It is a terrible thing, I think, in life to wait until you are ready. I have this feeling now that actually no one is ever ready to do anything. There is almost no such thing as ready. There is only now. And you may as well do it now. Generally speaking, now is as good a time as any.’
– Hugh Laurie
In 2017, I received my MBA (concentration in Finance) and somehow that degree led me here, lol! No, but I have secretly always wanted to start a Website/Blog/Vlog/YouTube Channel but figured I would actually have to start. Somehow always the hardest part, huh? I am my biggest critique and have yet to master the art of self-crediting. [I am just never enough, not good enough, not cool enough.. I digress]. Anyway, after a year of extensive research and soul searching, annnnnnddd voila! I figured things would be much easier if I were to just be myself. Plus, this was my way of connecting and interacting with people from different parts of this beautiful, vast world. With a vibrant array of photos, I enjoy sharing my worldwide experiences with my highly engaged audience via storytelling so those needing an escape will come along virtually. I have now been to almost 40 countries and counting! My dream is to live my purpose while leading others to fully live theirs, unapologetically. I want to have the Midas touch on people’s lives. I want to make you jump out of your seat and not just say ‘WOW, I wish that were me!’ but rather, ‘Book my flight! I cannot wait to experience this!’. With over 15 years of knowledge and experience, I am confident that I can seamlessly and thoroughly plan a trip of your dreams that will exceed your expectations while stretching out your coins as far as Pluto possible. I want to create and inspire. I want to educate, empower and equip. Stop thinking and start acting – TODAY! You can reach me here.



Pisa, Italy
Likes: shaved ice, chocolate, sunshine (sunset & sunrise), walking bare feet
Dislikes: peanut butter, seafood, conflicts/drama
Hobbies: tennis, reading, sleeping, editing photos/videos, hiking……….. and traveling? 🙂